Aucanada Hip Hip Hooray

Breeder: Mila Moreno
Owner: Sonja Frick
Health tests:
HD A, ED 0
OCD free, patella free
Spondylosis free, LTV 0
PRA gen free, CEA clear
MDR +/+, DM clear
von Willenbrand type 3 free
DMS: aa/bb/CC
Height: 34,7 cm
Agility 3


Meep is a sweet, always happy and balanced dog. His confidence is unquestionable. He is friendly with dogs and people and is a very open sheltie. In work he has high drive, and 100% focus.

Sonja says about him:




Aucanada Another One Byte The Dust “Byte”
D.O.B: 2018.01.04.
HD A, ED 0, OCD free, patella free
Spondylosis free
PRA free, CEA clear
MDR1 +/- DM clear
von Willenbrand type 3 free
Height: 34 cm
Agility 3


Out Loud Du Grand Champ D’aubertans “River”
D.O.B.: 2018.11.29.
HD A, ED free, OCD free, patella free
Spondylosis free
PRA free, CEA clear
MDR1 +/+ DM clear
von Willenbrand type 3 free
Height: 34,5 cm
Agility 3