Sirius Black

Basic Info:

Date of Birth: 28/11/2006
Date of Death: 28/02/2024
Breed: Mix
Sex: Neutered
Color: Black
Owner: Gergely Maros



K99 dexterity skill exam level 4

The day I see the sun first was 28/11/2006. Or definitely not because my eyes are closed for the first two weeks of my life 🙂 So, I was born that day. My breed is no defined but my mother was a little white dog with black spots, my father is unknown. I was born 6th in the litter but I was one of the two survivors. I lived because somewhere, somebody needed me.

Good to know about me? Long time ago I was the king of the neghborhood (nowadays too ;)), these days I’m a very friendly and calm dog. It needs so mutch work and efforts eather from my owner.

I love to do many things. Suddenly I have a spinal surgery because of a spinal hermia (definitely 3, but 2 was repared). The one who stay is no cause any simphtomes. Because of this I do not able to do agility with my owner. 🙁 Better days (once a year) I have a chance to do a dog-walk, do a tunnel and also do some obsticles (of course with bars on the ground). These times are my favorites, even if agility is not my dayly sport these days.

So, what can I do? Nothing if you ask my vets. But I enjoy my senior years every moment. I do trinck trining more times a week, learn new ones and refresh older ones. Most of the time we try to keep calm while we are working 🙂