6. hét

Ezen a héten nem volt túl nagy szerencsénk az időjárással, egész héten csak esett és esett. Így sajnos a kertben, szaladgálással tölthető órák száma jelentősen lecsökkent. Helyette a kiskutyák felfedezték a lakás több szobáját, belecsaptak a klikkerezés rejtelmeibe, és biztonságosan ismerkedhettek idegen kutyával is. Ezen a héten is több látogatójuk akadt, akiket nagy örömmel fogadtak. Leköltöztek éjszakára is a földszinti puppyland-be, így már éjjelente egyedül vannak. A saját helyükön már szépen haladnak a szobatisztasággal is, a lakás egyéb pontjain azért még vannak balesetek 🙂

Week 5

In the fifth week, puppies are introduced to lots of new things. In their little realm, moving, stable and unstable objects, toys and surfaces change from day to day. They are spending more and more time in the garden, which they have almost completely explored. They have also become familiar with rain and extreme heat. They have been in several rooms and the place for evening runs is no longer puppyland. They are still learning about the different noises. Almost every day they have had one or more visitors, meeting children and adults alike, individually and in small groups. We have started conditioning the clickers and they can now eat their food almost completely dry.

Week 4

After everyone’s eyes were open, the puppies were moved down to puppyland 🙂 As the weather had suddenly turned very cold, we couldn’t leave them downstairs all day at first, so we set up a small upstairs nursery for them as a temporary solution. Luckily we managed to get them to sleep there. This way they could spend all their active time in their little realm, which gradually grew in size from day to day. By the second half of the week, the weather was kind enough to let them see the garden for themselves. They were able to welcome their first visitors, and in addition to Nia, they also got to meet our other dogs. As is our custom, we try to introduce them to at least one or two new things every day, showing them different surfaces, different types of toys and all sorts of noises.

Week 3

In the third week, the puppies’ eyes finally opened. In birth order, first the blue, then the orange and finally the green puppy’s eyes were visible. Now the real fun can begin and they can move to puppyland 🙂

Week 1

Today the puppies turned one week old. Nia is taking super good care of them, and the puppies are growing very nicely, now well over double their birth weight. We started ENS on the third day and ESI on the fourth. We also drew our own colours: the first puppy was blue, the second orange and the third green.

Puppies out of Niagara and Meep are here

Today the puppies were born. The birth-giving was far from without complications, but we got through it. 4 male puppies were born, 1 unfortunately was so stuck that we could not save him.
Nia is very proud of her puppies and fortunately she overcame the difficulties very quickly, she is a really good mother.

1. male: tricolor, 157 g

3. male: tricolor, 183 g

4. male: tricolor, 190 g

2. male: tricolor, 220 g