Pilis Open light news :)

After 7 months break, yesterday the Marvel-boys were to compete again.  This time with Foxy’s first start in A1 🙂 After the long break we missed clean runs, but we had some podiums 🙂
Foxy: J1 3. place
Nova: J2: 2. place


TordasZoo Kupa

Fox and Nova compete together again, at this time on Tordas Cup. Fox had a beautiful 1st-place-run in A0, congratulation Zsolti! Nova had a litlle accident in one tunnel in A2 run, wich was enough for me to lost myself totally. But he could manage the rest of the course without me too, so it was enough for a 2nd place. 🙂

Kraft Cup – Fox and Nova

Yesterday the Marvel-boys competed together again on the Kraft’s competition.

It was Foxy’s second competition in A0. He ran 2 clean run, 2X 1st place, and one of them was with the best time from all sizes. Congratulations Zsolti, you were incredibly cool! Foxy’s runs

Nova won 2nd place in A2 agility, unfortunately this time I didn’t manage to lead him without any faulire in his runs.

Országos Bajnokság 2020.

Idén először Dance mellett Nova is versenyzett az Országos Bajnokságon.

Dance a kvalifikációs napon az agility és a jumping futamban is 3.lett, ezzel összetettben a 2. helyet gyűjtötte be. A másnapi fináléban pedig a harmadik helyre sikerült felfutnia magát az OB dobogójára. Dance futamai – video

Novának ez még csak az 5. versenye volt. Ennek ellenére a kvalifikációs napon sikerült bejutnia a másnapi fináléba, amire egyáltalán nem is számítottam így az első nagyobb versenyén. Nova futamai – video

A csapatváltó hatalmas élmény volt, itt a jumping futamban sikerült egy 3. helyet begyűjteniük együtt, Minkával kiegészülve. Csapatfutamok – video


Foxy’s first start

Today Fox started his career, and he did sooo well! Thank you Zsolti for taking care of him and doing everything to bring out what’s in him!

Fox – A0 2nd place
Nova – A2 jumping 1st place