Unfortunately we lost our 2 smallest puppies. The small boy didn’t live a day, and the smallest angel gave up the firht today. We are incredibly sad…
Category: Puppy Blog
The World litter is here!
Today they arrived after a timed C-sec. It was neccessary, because in last 10 days of pregnancy we needed to use natural progesteron supplementation. 5 puppiey, 3 males and 2 bitches. 2 of them are really small, so they need some luck…
Tri male (155g)
B&W bitch (60g)
B&W male (120g)
Tri bitch (121g)
B&W male (100g)
Foxy is moving
Things don’t always turn out the way we plan. Since little Foxy isn’t really small, we’ve been trying to guess how big he will eventually grow. Of course, this is impossible. Because his size is a fairly large risk factor, we did a decision a few weeks ago: he would eventually not fly for far away. Instead, he stays in Hungary and moves into a perfect home to one of my students. Of course, he will have an active, sporty life, and we are sure that he will have a great place in his new family where 3 other four-legged members are alredy waiting. Be very happy together, Zsolti and Foxy!
13-17. Hét
The last weeks we spent together before Foxy got a new owner. The puppies have experienced and learned a lot of new things in recent weeks, you can see a video of some of these things here. We went to the Ebfizió again, this time the puppies immediately took possession of the whole space and really enjoyed the fun on the various balandce pillows and disks. Zhe separation times are getting longer, the puppies are alredy spending half days separately, and fortunately the time of the ” ” is alredy negligible. We carry them separately for daily walks, and try to go to the dog school separately with them. Of yourse to try continue to take them to new places and meet new peoples, altough these are less and less of challange for them.
10-12. hét
Rengeteg időt töltünk a kutyaiskolán és sétákkal. Igyekszünk alapvető testtudatossági gyakorlatokkal szórakoztatni a kölyköket, minden etetés egy kis gyakorlás keretében történik. A kiskutyák egyre több időt töltenek szeparáltan, hiszen Foxy hamarosan költözik. A boxtréninggel is sokat foglalkozunk, és igyekszünk minél változatosabb programokat biztosítani számukra. Első alkalommal látogattuk meg az Ebfiziót a kölykökkel, ahol szuper környezetben, hozzáértő segítség mellett, sokkal több eszközzel ismerkedhettek meg, mint amennyi itthon rendelkezésünkre áll. Nagyon jól érezték magukat, és nagyon magabiztosan használták az eszközöket. A pórázas közlekedést is gyakoroljuk, és olyan boltokban is jártunk néhányszor, ahová beengednek kutyákat.
12 hetes videó itt .
Weeks 8-9
Week 7
The puppies are free in every room of the house this week They where on the dogschool, and also walked on a leash a few times. They really liked the big space and that they could race freely.
Video here.
Week 6
This week there were many new visitors, including children of different ages. The puppies spent almost half the days in the garden.
You can see the week 5-6 video here.
Week 5
Week 4
It’s time to go outside The weather wasn’t so nice on this week, so we cannot spend really much time in the garden with puppies, but they definitely enjoyed it
You can see the video here.